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How to Fix Grinded Teeth

December 29, 2023
a man in red shirt covering his mouth

In the realm of dental health, the persistent and often involuntary act of grinding one's teeth, known as bruxism, is a topic that deserves careful attention. Whether you're familiar with this issue or just beginning to explore its intricacies, understanding how to fix grinded teeth is essential for preserving your smile and overall well-being.

In this informative article, we will delve into the complexities of bruxism, examining its underlying causes and the potential repercussions it can have on your oral health. Most importantly, the specialized insights and treatments offered by Belmont Dental Associates to help you regain the comfort and confidence of a healthy smile.

Understanding Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Bruxism, commonly called teeth grinding, is characterized by the clenching and grinding of teeth, which can occur both during the day and while asleep. This condition can be divided into two main categories:

  • Awake Bruxism: Occurs when an individual consciously clenches or grinds their teeth during waking hours, often in response to stress, anxiety, or tension.
  • Sleep Bruxism: Happens during sleep and is usually involuntary. People with sleep bruxism are often unaware of their habit until they experience symptoms or visit a dentist.

Common Causes of Teeth Grinding

Understanding the root causes of bruxism is essential to address the issue effectively. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Stress and Anxiety: High-stress levels are often linked to teeth grinding. We may clench our jaw muscles when anxious or tense, leading to grinding.
  • Malocclusion: Misaligned teeth or an improper bite can cause the jaw to adjust unnaturally, resulting in bruxism as the body tries to find a more comfortable position.
  • Medications: Some medications, such as certain antidepressants, can induce teeth grinding as a side effect.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and the use of recreational drugs may contribute to teeth grinding.
  • Sleep Disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea can increase the likelihood of bruxism at night.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Teeth Grinding

Identifying the symptoms of teeth grinding is crucial for early intervention. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Grinding can wear down the enamel, leading to increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Jaw Pain: Frequent clenching or grinding can result in jaw pain and discomfort.
  • Headaches: The pressure exerted during teeth grinding can cause persistent headaches, especially in the morning.
  • Damaged Teeth: Over time, grinding can lead to chipped, cracked, or fractured teeth.
  • Disrupted Sleep: Bruxism can disrupt your sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and drowsiness during the day.

How to Fix Grinded Teeth: Treatment Options

a dental patient holding her cheeks

Now that we've discussed the causes and consequences of teeth grinding, it's time to explore the various ways to fix grinded teeth. Belmont Dental Associates, a trusted dental practice, offers expert insights and solutions to help you regain your oral health.

Custom Nightguards

One of the most common and effective methods to address teeth grinding is the use of custom-fitted nightguards. These dental appliances are designed to fit comfortably over your teeth and act as a protective barrier. Nightguards not only prevent further damage to your teeth but also alleviate the symptoms associated with bruxism, such as jaw pain and headaches. Belmont Dental Associates specializes in crafting custom nightguards tailored to your unique needs, ensuring maximum comfort and protection.

Stress Management

As mentioned earlier, stress and anxiety are significant contributors to teeth grinding. Belmont Dental Associates emphasizes the importance of stress management techniques to address the root causes of bruxism. Patients are encouraged to explore relaxation methods, such as yoga, meditation, or counseling, to reduce stress levels and potentially alleviate teeth grinding.

Orthodontic Treatment

For individuals with misaligned teeth or bite issues, orthodontic treatment can be a long-term solution to fix grinded teeth. Belmont Dental Associates offers a range of orthodontic options, including braces and Invisalign, to correct tooth alignment and bite problems. By addressing the underlying causes of bruxism, orthodontic treatment can effectively reduce teeth grinding over time.

Lifestyle Modifications

Making certain lifestyle changes can also contribute to fixing grinded teeth. Belmont Dental Associates advises patients to reduce or eliminate habits that exacerbate bruxism, such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, or recreational drug use. Moreover, maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated can positively impact overall oral health.

Medication Adjustment

If teeth grinding is triggered or exacerbated by specific medications, consulting with a healthcare provider to explore alternative treatments or adjustments to medication dosage may be necessary. Belmont Dental Associates works closely with patients and their healthcare providers to find solutions that minimize the side effects of medications on dental health.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

For individuals with concurrent sleep apnea and bruxism, addressing the sleep disorder can indirectly help fix grinded teeth. Belmont Dental Associates offers treatment options for sleep apnea, which can lead to improved sleep quality and a reduction in nighttime teeth grinding.

The Importance of Seeking Professional Help

Fixing grinded teeth and managing bruxism effectively requires the expertise of a dental professional. Belmont Dental Associates is committed to providing personalized care to address each patient's unique needs. While over-the-counter mouthguards are available, custom-made devices provided by a dentist offer superior comfort and protection.

Discover the comprehensive range of dental services offered by Belmont Dental Associates. From preventive care to restorative treatments and cosmetic dentistry, we have the expertise to meet all your dental needs. Explore our services and find the solutions you've been searching for.

Ready to address your teeth grinding issue and reclaim your oral comfort? Schedule a consultation with Belmont Dental Associates today. Our team of dental experts is standing by to assess your unique situation and provide tailored recommendations to fix grinded teeth.


a dental patient on the dentist chair

Grinded teeth, or bruxism, is a common dental issue that should not be ignored. If you or a loved one experiences symptoms of teeth grinding, it is essential to seek professional dental care. At Belmont Dental Associates, we are committed to helping you overcome this condition and preserve your dental health.

Don't let grinded teeth affect your quality of life. Contact Belmont Dental Associates today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.


What are the potential consequences of untreated teeth grinding?

Neglected bruxism, or teeth grinding left untreated, may result in a range of dental issues, such as enamel erosion, heightened tooth sensitivity, discomfort in the jaw, persistent headaches, and the potential for teeth to develop cracks or fractures.

Can children experience teeth grinding, and should parents be concerned?

Yes, children can experience teeth grinding, a condition known as pediatric bruxism. While it is relatively common and often resolves on its own, parents should monitor the situation and consult a dentist if the grinding persists or is causing discomfort.

How do I know if I need a custom night guard, and how does it help prevent teeth grinding?

A dentist will evaluate your dental health and recommend a custom night guard if necessary. Night guards create a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, reducing the impact of grinding and preventing further damage to your teeth and jaw.

Are there natural remedies or lifestyle changes that can help alleviate teeth grinding?

Yes, certain lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques can help reduce teeth grinding, especially if it is stress-related. Strategies such as stress management, avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol, and maintaining a healthy sleep routine can be beneficial.

Is teeth grinding reversible, and can it be completely cured?

Answer: Teeth grinding can often be managed effectively with the right treatments and interventions. However, the reversibility and complete cure depend on the underlying causes. For stress-related grinding or malocclusion, successful management is possible, but it may require ongoing care and maintenance. Consult with a dentist for a personalized treatment plan.

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