How Long Do Veneers Last?

Have you ever noticed that every up-close view of a movie star shows them with the same perfect, even teeth? The enamel is so white you can practically see the sparkle twinkle from each toothy grin. 

We know from genetics and nature that most of us have our own unique smiles. But movie stars and millions of other people get that ideal look through cosmetic dentistry procedures like veneers. 

At Belmont Dental, we see patients almost daily who want to have what they consider flaws in their smile corrected. The solution for many of these problems is a veneer.

Veneers are barely visible, extremely thin shells that are placed over the teeth like a shell. Although one veneer is tiny, that’s all it takes to make a big difference in the appearance of your smile.

As with any investment, you probably have questions about whether a veneer is right for you or not. You’ll want to know how long veneers last and if they’re worth the money and time. 

We understand! That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you learn more about what could be the solution to your dental woes.

Why Use Veneers?

If your goal is to fix small imperfections in your smile without long-term orthodontics or full-mouth whitening treatments, a veneer can help. Sometimes, your smile is bright and white except for one or two stubbornly stained teeth. Or you have a small gap at the front of your teeth driving you crazy, but it’s not bad enough for braces.

Whatever the reason, if a veneer can fix it, your whole smile can change with the addition of one dainty, wafer-thin shell.

Benefits of Veneers

Veneers are often used in correcting dental issues like slightly crooked, chipped, or resiliently stained teeth. If you’ve been diagnosed with bruxism, the consistent grinding of your teeth may have damaged the enamel on some of them, and a veneer could help. 

Another benefit of choosing veneers is that the procedure to apply them is one of the easiest techniques in dentistry. Some types of veneers can be completed in one visit.

Getting a veneer to correct a flaw is nothing more than having the shell bonded to the front of your enamel. It may take a little prep to get your tooth ready and create the custom-made veneer, but overall, it’s simple and quick.

Choosing Composite Resin or Porcelain Veneers

Questions like, “How long do veneers last on front teeth?” and “Are veneers permanent?” are commonly asked in our office. To answer those and other queries, it helps if you understand the difference between the types of veneers. Each material has its own pros and cons, including its lifespan.

The two most common materials used to form veneers are porcelain and composite resin. Occasionally, you’ll see temporary veneers as an option. Those are usually reserved for people who need a quick fix and aren’t interested in a long-term investment.

As you learn how to take care of veneers, you’ll need to keep in mind the kind you chose to get. Both of them will do the job, last a long time, and look natural, but there are differences.

The Pros and Cons of Veneer Materials

For instance, porcelain veneers are not permanent, although they can last nearly a lifetime if you’re careful. The material is as hard as your natural enamel and possibly even harder! 

There isn’t too much that can damage a porcelain veneer, so you can feel comfortable eating those hard and sticky foods you love.

Since they are highly stain-resistant and durable, they are more expensive than the other option, composite resin. Porcelain veneers are for people who want to get their smile fixed and then forget they had dental work done.

Composite veneers are also long-lasting, but the average ones have a general maximum of five to ten years. They’ll have a longer lifespan if you take care of them well. This type of veneer is easier to damage, but repairing veneers is a relatively easy thing to do.

You can still eat as you would with your natural teeth. However, you’ll always be aware that your veneers could be pulled off if you are eating the wrong thing at the wrong angle. 

Getting the Most From Your Veneers

How long porcelain veneers or their composite resin counterparts last is a mix of the material you get and your oral health habits.

During the procedure, the dentist adheres the veneers to your enamel with a special bonding agent. Once they are sealed, they shouldn’t come off. However, with wear and tear or damage to the mouth area, they can loosen. If that happens, head back to us to get them repaired or replaced.

If you opted for composite resin veneers, too many sticky or hard foods could also loosen them. These types of veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers and are easy to repair or replace. 

One more thing to think about as you get back to your regular diet is that veneers can stain. As with your regular enamel, it takes a while for this to happen. But over time, dark or bright food and drinks can seep into the veneer and discolor it. Using tobacco products can cause this discoloration, too. 

Remember, the better your oral hygiene is at home, the longer you’ll be able to keep your veneers and your natural teeth! At a minimum, brush and floss every day. Then, make sure you visit us at Belmont Dental for regular checkups and cleanings. 

The friendly staff and expert professionals at Belmont Dental are ready to be the go-to helpers for your oral health needs. Our in-office procedures range from simple exams and cleanings to same-day dental surgeries.

Maybe you need a cosmetic fix like a veneer to fix those little imperfections in your smile. Or a painful tooth is causing you sleepless nights and miserable days. Whatever the problem is, we have a customized solution to take care of it for you.

Contact us today to get started on the path to your perfect, healthy smile! 

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